Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Reformation of Wolfshausen

Teil Neun-und-Zwanzig
To hear Weirsdo read this week's episode, you must cross the first line of defense (click photo at right.)

To read it yourself, you must cross the second line of defense (click photo at left.)

The story so far is here.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Reformation of Wolfshausen

Teil Acht-und-Zwanzig
To hear this week's episode promenade past the Beech trees.

Or, to read this week's episode, scurry under oak.

The story so far is here.

Have a good week, y'all. Waking Ambrose will return, Insha'llah, on July 24.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Reformation of Wolfshausen

Teil Sieben-und-Zwanzig
To hear this week's episode read by Terry and- wait for it- Bear, click on the stylish merchants of Germany.

Or, to read this week's episode, click on the shore-left sailor.

The story so far is here.

Happy Fourth of July, all.