Friday, August 19, 2005

Pansi's Audiobiography

Note: Geocities and I are having relationship issues. This post should be working because Apple rocks but the other stories may not work until I can fix links. Tomorrow's story is at risk, but I plan to resume by next Saturday.

Warning: Some material may not be appropriate for children or people who like children

Thanks, to Weirsdo for smuggling this recording of Pansi telling the true story of how she conquered heartbreak and poverty to be come a superstar.

Click on Pansi to hear her story:

Weirsdo offers the following new word as well: Pansify, v.t. Reduce to a state of confusion bordering on the surreal.


Doug The Una said...

Autobiography, n. A sequel to a fantasy.

Hobbes said...

Doug--I just tried it. Geocities says the page is unavailable for viewing. WTF?

Tom & Icy said...

I enjoyed that. Good job. Actually I thought it was great.

Hobbes said...

Thanx SOOOOOO much, Ice Cream!!!!! Kiss Kiss!!!!!!!! I forgive you for all the mean things you've said about chew toys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the many Bs said...

We listened to Ms. pansi and thought it was actually pretty cute. The dogs barked quite a bit because it woke them up from their naps, but then they listened. Good job.

Minka said...

Borderline syndrome is all I can think about. On the border of unusual excentricity and wonderfully insane!

Doug The Una said...

Pansi, your media empire keeps growing!