Saturday, January 12, 2008

Shahrazade's Wedding, Part XIII

"The Beowulf of Wedding Planning" -Actonbell

Hear the story straight from the mad cow.

You can read the story in Davy Jones' locker.


Ariel the Thief said...

"It became unclear to the management committee whether the endeavor remained a heroic repair at sea or if it had become a dismantling operation in far too wide a port." ROTFL! How many surgeons face that very problem all over the world daily...

The pirate captian was very funny, too. Will reformation suit him? Oh, and what's Leili's story?

Ariel the Thief said...

And what's happened to the Baroness?

Doug The Una said...

Ariel, the question about the Baroness is an excellent one. As soon as I posted I realized I'd forgotten to say. Had I said, I think she would have been brought to the Palace and installed in her office.

What about Leili's story? Before now or after?

Anonymous said...

The pirates seem to be ancestors of Shaw's undeserving poor.

Raghu Ram Prasad said...

A snake in the buffalo'smouth...wonderful