Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Unionville Chronicles

Fifteenth Canto

This week the reading is by my mother and Enrique. ¡Muchas gracias, antiguos! Click on the cowboy to hear a surprisingly concise story.

To read, click on the Station of The Cross.


Ariel the Thief said...

It was hilarious! Made me laugh all along.

So good old Don now are having two middle aged, well armed men in the same house with his 15 year old daughter. Really, it seems his only hope is if they kill each other. :-P

Doug The Una said...

Ariel, that is the obvious solution, isn't it? I appreciate how you review the story here and then talk to the others at Waking Ambrose. Good method.

Ariel the Thief said...

I like to be here on Saturdays.

Anonymous said...

Good job, readers and writer.
Do they like being called "antiguos," Doug?